The Lasik surgery is a brand new surgery designed to help people improve their vision. During the surgery, patients are completely conscious. The surgery can be summarized as follows: the first part of the surgery consists of the actual cutting off a flap into the cornea by the practitioner either by using a dedicated knife called microkeratome or a dedicated laser. The second part of the surgery involves leaving the pivot on one side of this flap in order to removed and replaced later on.
During the process of removing the flap, the practitioner remodels the stroma, the middle part of the cornea. This is achieved by the means of an excimer laser used to remove supplementary and unnecessary tissue without hurting essential parts.
The results
Many patients claim that their vision was improved straight away after the surgery while others recorded an improvement after some time, not immediately after the surgery.
Lucky patients recorded an improvement factor of 20/20 or even better after the surgery while others recorded worse results below 20/40. Although 20/40 is an acceptable result especially some people can drive with this level of vision but this level is definitely not the perfect case. These people still wear eyeglass or contact to correct their vision even if their prescription was lower than before.
Moreover, a regression phenomenon was recorded on some patients after the surgery. This clearly shows that their vision is gradually getting worse and worse. In this case, surgeons often rely on enhancements to improve the vision.
Elder patients, those over forties may still find useful to wear eyeglasses or bifocals to read newspapers even if they have undergone the surgery. The reason of this is presbyopia which is experienced at the age ranging from 38 to 42. Presbyopia is characterized by the brittleness of the distance vision therefore making it very difficult to perceive objects which are closer to the viewer.
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